
Thursday 31 July 2014

A 'Door Number 2' Kinda Guy

Don't know if many of you remember the game show 'Let's Make a Deal'. Apparently it is still on TV (who knew?) but I remember it from the days that Monty Hall would wonder if contestants wanted to stay with the prize they had already won or gamble on 'Door Number Two' which might have a bigger and better prize or a 'Zonk' prize (like a llama).

I can promise you that if young Pete were on the game show he'd ALWAYS go for Door Number Two.

How do I know?

Every morning and evening I step into the pen to the frantic jumping and grabbing of 4 little monsters. Since their Auntie Colleen taught them to sit for their meals while we were in Hawaii I wait until butts hit the ground before kibble does.

Pete is ALWAYS the first to sit and I put the first bowl down in front of him and take a few steps over. There in front of me is Pete, who again sits. I place the bowl in front of him and take a few steps over. There in front of me is Pete, who again sits. I place the third bowl in front of him and take a few steps over. There in front of me is Pete - his littermates happily chowing down as he sits for the fourth bowl.

I've tried to tell him all the kibble is the same, but he won't take the chance.

"I'll take Door Two, Monty"

Maybe he's waiting for the llama!


  1. Lynne Angeloro31 July 2014 at 11:28

    Pete is a TOTAL optimist - he expects the "prize behind door number 2 to be better, and better, and better..."!!

  2. He's just being polite and doing sits for everyone and waiting til last to eat! What a gentleman.

  3. Trina in San Diego31 July 2014 at 12:31

    I think you should put something really good in bowl 4; make this a life long habit. That would be alot of fun on a LONG race. hehehe from Trina

  4. Great story, Karen. Thanks!
