Saturday 19 December 2015

Puzzle Patrol - Bet

Howdy Ho Everybodies!!!

I hope you enjoyed the Star Wars quiz and prizes and stuffs and things!  I want to thank Fran for taking that challenge on and organizing, and all that (stuffs and things).

While she was doing that, I had to take the Puzzles out on a little exercise run, and of course Molly wanted to get out of the yard as well.  She's been cooped up with her puppies for a while, and like all mothers, she was hoping for a little adult time instead of answering questions like "why is the sky blue" and "if Bear isn't a bear, but he's a bear, what does a real bear look like" and the all time favorite "why?".

The puzzles were keen to get out in the snow.  There's nothing like a romp in fresh snow to get the blood flowing.

HEY, are we going or what???
At first everything was very organized and they were listening to instructions.

Go left... no the other left.  LEFT!!!  Oh wait Gee... or HAW... UGH!
Then we realized that it would be easier to just walk Molly and they would follow.  We have Molly on a leash because she's threatened to run off and become a secretary recently.

We had a nice grouping going for a while

But, puppies being puppies will get distracted by the smallest of things and start to wander around

Um... ok, that's not exactly a small thing, but he is distracting

It was at this point that the puzzles figured out that whoever held the leash got to say where we go.

Let's go this way!!!
No, let's go this way!!!

But I wanna go THIS way!

Let's RUN!!!

Can I have a turn, can I, can I have a turn???

Wait, wait, I want a turn, I want a turn!

MOOOOOM come on!!!!

Bet... can we go home now?
Molly had enough, so we started back home, where she hoped that the Puzzles would be exhausted by their adventure and take a nap so she could get some peace and quiet, but then...

MOM!  If this is bear poop, then if Bear did it in the middle of the woods...
I don't know if Molly got any rest, but I certainly took a nap!

- Bet

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