Saturday, 28 August 2010


The 'Powers That Be' must have had enough of my whining because this morning it was actually cold enough to run dogs!! YEAH!!!

It was still overcast and dreary, but at least it was overcast, dreary and COLD!!! 

The dogs, who are under-miled and RARING to go, did great.

Sisters Grimmy and Tramp sharing a water bucket after the run.

I got the team all watered and put away, picked up ganglines and harnesses, fed the Explosions and then the skies opened up as I headed out of the yard with Bet and the Brits (so sorrry - no pictures due to the rain).

We still went, but cut things short, which wasn't bad, as I had noticed alot of fresh bear signs on the puppy trails this morning and wasn't up to running into a bear with those 3 big, bad boys who think they are invincible!

So, it is still raining and miserable here, but at least I got the temperatures to let me play with dogs!!!

Think I might turn my back on the things I should do today and curl up on the couch with a good book. What the heck!



Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a great day!

Helen Thorgalsen said...

What book?

granimar said...

You've been sending your Athabasca weather straight down to us. Three days ago we were at 101 [F]. Saturday we had a low of 39[F}, but had wild thunder storms yesterday, lots and lots of rain and topped off with a temp of 58[F] for the high. The bears are moving into the fringes of Bozeman, hope they stay away from us.
A good book is certainly a great choice on a gloomy day. Hope you enjoyed it.

Karen Ramstead said...


Just finished 'Eat, Pray, Love'. Didn't love it, but will likely see the movie, as I love Julia Roberts' laugh!
Reading Anthony Bourdain's 'Medium Raw' right now.