Saturday 22 December 2012

Laying Low - Bet

I've been laying kinda low recently for a reason.

I'm pretty sure you heard about that pesky little maple syrup incident a while back, right?

Somehow some devious thieves made off with the Canadian Reserve of all maple syrup stuffs and things!  INCREDIBLE!  How could somebodies do something so horrible to deny the peoples of tasty maple syrups!!!  How can anyone eat their waffles without syrups!!!

This was an outrage!!!!
Apparently some of the thieves were rounded up, no doubt someone in the group talked.... you just can't trust peoples nowadays.  The police were able to recover 2/3 of the stolen heist.  The investigation is ongoing, and you may be asking yourselfs... why do you have to lay low dear sweet adorable Bet....



Seriously, I had nothing to do with it... it fell off the back of a truck... or something...

Don't rat me out peoples...

- Bet

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