Friday 21 November 2014

Cloud Update - Bet


Howdy Ho Everybodies....

heaving sigh.

We're almost a week into cloudless North Wapiti.

There's been some updates on the new cloud front.  Not good.

The Musher thoughtfully volunteered to go to the big box store and pick me up a temporary cloud to make do until I could raise enough monies to get a new real cloud.

I thought that was very nice of her, and I waited and waited for her to get home from the big city with it...

and waited... and waited...

and then she came home, smelling all like coffee shops and retail merchandise at bulk prices and she unloaded the truck and...


Seriously!  She got to gabbing with peoples about stuffs and things and totally left the temporary replacement cloud on the shopping cart.

How does this happen?  It's a cloud in a shopping cart?

The ONE thing she went to the big city for????


I really do appreciate your help in securing the monies for my new clouds and all.  Just a reminder that I've got a hat auction going on here

You can also buy the "Waiting" poster here  (just a note, if you buy the poster from 30 November through 9 December, the posters won't be shipped until after 9 December because Karen E Minion has a previous engagement thingy), but I hope to have my new clouds by then and all other monies will go toward my trips to race events (and paying for the garage damage when a mechanical issue caused it to... well, it's a long story)

anyhooooooooooooo... until then my only alternative is to seek the most cushy spot in the house... the clothes hamper.

please bid and buy... it's stinky in here.

- Bet

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