Tuesday 4 August 2015

Troubling Times - Bet


Howdy Ho Everybodies... sigh.

Although I've recovered from my slight shoulder strain, I must admit that there has been something weighing heavily on my mind.  I tried talking it over with the sheepie things, but they're pretty dense.

Hey, so what do you think?  Seriously?  COME ON!

I've spent a lot of time in my cooling bucket trying to sort it all out as well.

There has to be a perfectly logical and innocent reason for all of this
But no matter how much I thought about it, or pondered it... it could only mean one thing.   Before I came to that end conclusion, I had to get some much needed advice.

My friend Nel (one "L") came for a sleepover.  Nel also flunked out of baa baa sheepie herdy herding school and is one of my closest confidantes.

She's been leaving without me, and when she comes back, she has strange furs on her and she smells like another dog
The Musher is cheating on me
Nel is very smart in these things, and she offered to host an intervention.  She got her human to confirm my deepest fears. For security reasons, I brought Bear along.  I've seen shows where people throw chairs when confronted by uncomfortable things and stuffs, so I just wanted to make sure I had some muscle on my side.

So it's true????  She's cheating on me?????
Stay tuned for the exciting season ending


thecrazysheeplady said...

Oh Bet... Kate and I are here for you.

The Army of Four said...

Very smart to have security along! That Maury Povich guy wasn't there, was he?
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Anonymous said...

Oh Bet, you are about to make me cry. Hope all is well with you. Hurrrrry with the next chapter of this post.
