I was up hanging out with 'The 'Toons' this afternoon and they were complaining that they aren't getting any 'blogger time'. They are getting big now, but still have those nasty little puppy teeth, so I best pay attention to their complaining!
So, in order to appease the 'mass of killer puppies' - I present Toon pictures -
We have these monsters separated into 2 different pens. Boys, Skookum, Snert, Astro, and Bolt in one pen and the chicks, Tramp and Grim in another.
Now Jack, who is formerly known as Riverrun's Whiskey Jack, has a good excuse to be noisy - he is a son of our Nik (aka Ch. Chuchinka's Nicolai 2nd). Jack's mom is KitKat, littermate to Crunchie and Snickers - and he comes to us from Gwen Ross.
He is a doll and we are very much enjoying him - despite the noisiness.
Anyway, there we are guys - a post about the puppy pen. Maybe my shoes, hair, hands and sleeves will be safe from attacks tonight. I doubt it, but maybe....
Thanks Karen
Love the puppy pictures.
Asd usually NW puppies are adorablely cute!!! Very nice!
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