Saturday 29 May 2010

Here, There and Everywhere!

 I finished shoveling the dog yard just as the rain began. It seemed like a good time to take a break for lunch!!! I'm still going to have to go out to scrub and fill water buckets, but I'm stalling hoping the rain will let up (hey, I'm pretty much a glass half full kinda gal!) - so I thought I'd blog!!!

And what better thing to blog about then puppies!!!

The Brits have turned into monsters....

Mobile Monsters - and that is a scary thing!!

I can still confine them to the back room with the 'puppy gate', but they are more and more interested in exploring their surroundings...

Harassing the locals...
And just generally getting into any trouble they can..

They have figured out the 'Joy of Clouds' and after a good wrestling match... nothing better then crashing on one for a power nap!!

I know they look sweet...

...but do not be deceived ....underneath that cute little 'puppy costume' lurks the soul of MONSTERS!!!


Beth G said...

Yep, even baby monsters are adorable! Thanks for the great photos.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much they have grown in just the last week!

D.K. Wall said...

Laughing - LOVE that last picture.

Wulik Siberians said...

I am SO ENJOYING seeing these little Siberian spirits develop into what we all know and love, even though "they" (meaning Tana!) have happily taken over Dad's chair! I don't care how many things they will destroy in their (and my) lifetime, who wouldn't LOVE to have this kind of silliness and craziness (& trouble) surrounding them???? Thank you for sharing what I have never gotten to enjoy... Monster Puppies ! ! !

Anonymous said...

I've LOVED being able to check in and look at them on the web cam, thanks SO much for that it's really neat!

Anonymous said...

I so needed a laugh today...and what better to laugh at than MONSTER puppies!?! They are so cute. Thanks for sharing their antics with us.