Friday 3 May 2013

Trail Report.

The dogs are sick of not running and I'm sick of not running them, so Bet and I headed out today to see what the trails were looking like.

Hmmm - that doesn't look too promising....

It's not that the dogs can't pull the ATV through the rotting snow, they easily can, but I tend to lose all steering and when you are driving a big team, steering is pretty critical.

This was a little more promising....

This was not....
Thanks for the push, Bet!

The trails were a mix of good and 'not quite as good'.....

But it sure was a beautiful day!!!!

Hard to believe it is almost 20C (72F) and there is still snow in the woods!!!

We even found a few brave pasque flowers.

The Tawatinaw River is high and running fast...

Too much for the team right now, but Bet and I puttered around on the banks for a bit.

It threatened to rain, but nothing came of it....

And the final decision????

We will be running in the AM!!!


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