Sunday, 3 November 2013

We Had Guests - Bet

Howdy Ho Everybodies!

The other day we had some overnight guests (guests who came for the day, then spent the night... just to be clear... they were invited to spend the night... well, I was fine with one of them spending the night, but the other... well... you'll see)

Keri has been helping the Kennel out a bit (and we are FOREVER grateful for your help!) brought along her... um.... dog?

This is Yogi.

As you can clearly see, Yogi is not only wearing a rather cool, well fitting sweatshirt... but is on MY couch.


Being the gracious host... I let him sit there

Yes, this is MY couch, isn't it comfortable.  The floor is comfortable too, I suggest you check that out

Yogi didn't want to check out the comfortable floor.

It's touching my foot, IT'S TOUCHING MY FOOT!!!
As a matter of fact, Yogi pretty much made himself right at home.

Be a good host... you must be a good host... he's in my spot, but be a good host
Then he decided to show off a bit, what with his cool sweatshirt and hood ensemble

Oh sure, you have a hood, but I have a blankie and more ensembles than you
He wasn't very amused by this bit of news

Dude, I know a really good orthodontist for that overbite thing... just sayin
I told him that ensembles weren't allowed in the house except if you were on the floor.

thwarted and he's touching my blankie... AND LEANING ON ME
Finally I told him that I would give him a tour of the kennel, so he got dressed again (seriously... we're JUST going out to the kennel, it's not like we're going ballroom dancing or to Timmy's).

For some reason (I have no idea why) he insisted on staying behind the fence

No, seriously, come on Yogi, it's perfectly fine in the kennel area!

For some reason, he didn't believe me.

What is that?  Looks like a pig in a blanket!  Hey, come on over, we'll be nice, we promise!

After that, he stayed in the house on MY couch for some reason

No, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have eaten you, and honestly you do kinda look like a pig in a blanket... have you thought of trying Pilates?

 - Bet


thecrazysheeplady said...

Oh, poor Bet!

Anonymous said...

This is too funny! Glad you could be such a gracious host, Bet.

Marcia in PA