Sunday 10 February 2013

Dancing in the Dark

The other day Simone mentioned that she had never run dogs at night. Whaaaattt???? Night running is such a part of our lives it just catches me off guard when someone mentions that they have never done it.

Tonight Simone and I fixed that hole in her experience!!

Unfortunately it was a moonless night - there is NOTHING like running under full moon - but it was clear and we were underneath a few billion burning stars. Nothing to complain about!!!!!

Simone was a great sport....

....I even talked her into shutting off her headlamp for a bit and running in complete darkness!!! Like I said, she is a good sport!!!

She said it was an 'AWESOME' experience!!

And hats off to our awesome leaders. I had little Boo-sie dog in single lead for the first time. She ROCKS!!

And Simone (who it should be noted was following me, so we could take a few more 'chances' with her leaders) had young rookie leader Missy up front with first time leader Fletch.


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thecrazysheeplady said...

I would love to do that!

Polly said...

Yeah! Fletch!!!