Monday, 28 May 2012

Just As I Suspected

Last night the dog yard were not particularly interested in letting me sleep. I got up at around midnight and 4am, as well as being awake numerous other times due to their fussing.

I figured they were just being 'bratty' (as they shut up every time the outside light went on - and usually if they are trying to 'tell' me something they won't do that) and thought no more of it.

But then this afternoon when I was skidding the poop buckets out I noticed some new tracks in the area. Time to check out the game cam Bet and I figured.

Sure enough this is what it showed...

Isn't he cute??? But where was Mom???

Oh hello!!!

This shows they have been in the area for a few days now. Cricket might have run them away from the kennel for good last night - or the bags under my eyes are just going to get bigger!!!

We also got a few more deer...

 and a bunny rabbit (not a very good shot though).

Lots of activity in the woods these days!!!!!



Starla said...

Imagine what the game cam isn't seeing.

Shirly said...

I would worry about the dogs and puppies. I sure hope Cricket is doing her job real good. said...

It appears as though mom is cleaning the afterbirth in the second pic. Great set of pics. We have a mom with twins in our neighorhood (Anchorage) but also a brown bear. I'm hoping it doesn't find them.