Wednesday 27 November 2002

November 27, 2002

Click on the images to view larger versions.  I have purposely left the originals large, so that details will be more easily visible for those who car to view them.
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Ready to harness up and run!
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Okay - sometimes it is hard to center a picture when you are bouncing along, hanging onto the handlebars with one hand! :)
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Trail to Yentna 
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Stopped in some snow so the dogs can cool down!
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The Tawatinaw River winds through our quarter section of land. Notice the beavers have been busy on a tree in the foreground!
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Another view of the River valley
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One of my favorite spots on our land!
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The big beaver pond!
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This climb out of the valley is actually MUCH worse then it looks! This trail is on the government land that borders our place.
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The dogs get a break and a pat for working up that climb without stopping! Way to go guys!
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Coming back into the yard.
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After feeding and watering the team, we do a final 1/2 mile or so 'go round' before we are done. The sun is already setting on this day!
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