Here are a few of my pictures of the teams starting -
The Incredible Lance Mackey
Mike Ellis - of course this is the team we here at NorthWapiti cheer the loudest for! Go Team Tsuga!!!!
Mike Ellis
Pierre Antoine-Heritier's Siberian Huskies
Peter Fleck
Zack Steer. I think this is a team to watch on both the Quest AND Iditarod. Zack is the 'real deal' and a true credit to the sport!
Kelley Griffin. Kelley and I were race judges on Quest last year and I think she is one of the coolest woman. The boys better watch over their shoulder for her.
Katie Davis's team
I'll be watching closely and wish all the teams safe and happy trails!!!
More images can be seen at
The is a bottomless pit of suffering...oh wait, sorry for channeling da Glick...Damn those dogs look happy!
Awesome pics; love the shallow depth of field on several of the images and 'Hopping Dog' in picture 5 is a great snap!
Darn intertube... there's supposed to be 'insert name of long race here' between 'The' and 'is'
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