Tuesday 24 November 2009

Not Much To See Here...


BADASmusher said...

OK, how long did it take to get used to running at night and not being able to see the whole team, let alone what is ahead of you? Just curious as I need to get that way so I can ruin my dogs at night when I get home from work. :-)

Looks like the snow is staying for awhile. GREAT!

Karen Ramstead said...

The picture is alittle deceiving April. The flash overpowers the lights I use to drive dogs at night.

I can see the front team quite well (plus the leaders are wearing flashing lights). I can't see too far in front of me but I can see what is immediately in front of the leaders.

Anonymous said...

How early was this run? Or maybe the question should be how late was the run?

Karen Ramstead said...

Late. We left at around 6pm and got back at 11pm