Saturday 10 April 2010

Weathering The Storm

It's been storming here the last few days. A honest to gosh blowing snow, rattle the windows, make you want to stay inside storm.
We were doing just that yesterday morning when I noticed Wolvie standing on a tree branch staring at the house.
"How the heck is he standing on a tree branch?", I asked myself. This is how -

Hector was pretty happy to see us and we all set to work chainsawing and hauling branches out of his area.

Wolvie, who lives next to Hector, lost his good vantage point, but them's the breaks!!!

The winds have thankfully died down a bit now!

I also thought that you might be interested to see what has become of the original 'Cloud' now that the Family has a new one.

This is on an old couch that lives in our back porch. Cricket figured out the screen door latch isn't working properly and how to open it so she can sneak inside for a good nap.

Go Cricket!!


The Cartoonist said...

That looks a lot more comfy than the flower pot.

The cartoonist

Deb Rawaillot said...

If you could put the cloud in the flower pot, Cricket would be ecstatic!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a possible solution to what Cricket can do when you want to plant the flower pot. Hopefully he'll like the cloud better and wont smash the flowers. bigdogmom aka Barb from Fairbanks, Alaska

D.K. Wall said...

Uh, Cricket, that does not quite as touch "working dog" as the flower pot, but we like it.

Pat in MN said...

Well, I hope that takes care of your April snowstorms for this year.
Yes, the original cloud looks much more comfy than the wine barrel, but certainly not as good a vantage point for guarding the kennel.