Tuesday, 19 June 2012

NorthWapiti's Black Beauty

NorthWapiti's Black Beauty
(NorthWapiti's Sir Galahad x Ch.NorthWapiti's Valkyrie Kara)
June 13, 2007 - June 18, 2012

People tend to think my life is blessed and that every day is 'sunshine and roses' - but the fact is that days like yesterday I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. 

Yesterday I stood in a surgery room looking at a mess of cancer riddled tissue in the stomach and intestine of one of my family members who should have been in the prime of her life. A mere 4 months ago  she was the picture of health and vitality but now cancer had crept in and stolen all that from her. 
Although there really was no real 'decision' to be made, there was only one fair choice for Beauty, I still had to swallow hard to get the words to end her life out of my throat. It was just so fast, so unseen, and unexpected.

With maybe the exception of Tramp, Beauty was the most aptly named dog in my yard. She was a beauty on the outside and a true beauty of a soul. One of the sweetest, kindest dogs I've ever owned. 

I was so proud of her this winter and all the promise she was showing. Promise now stolen in a fight that was over before any of us even knew we were fighting. 

The world is a little less beautiful place for me today. 



Anonymous said...

Oh Karen, I'm so sorry. She was beautiful. My heart aches for you, Beauty and her pack.

much love,
wild dingo

Unknown said...

Sadness. A pain that I still feel after 8 yrs so I know. Very sorry for your heartache and loss. Hope Beauty is now enjoying endless runs, play and love. Every once in a while she will stop just to look in on you. -Barbara

Amy said...


I am so sorry for your loss and the heart ache you must be feeling. I have tears in my eyes because it brings back all the hurt and pain of having to put my 5 year old to sleep 2 years ago because of cancer. I hope that Beauty's cancer remained on the inside and didn't rear it's ugly head on the outside so that you had to watch her waste away like I had to. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the pack at this time. -hugs-

My Condolences,

Amy Setzer

Julie said...

I'm so sorry.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Sorry for your loss -

I'm sure her mom has greeted her - and they will share a special Summer Solstice North of The Rainbow Bridge -

Thinking of you AND the words you always remind us to think about - how it is time to show our dogs how much we really do love them when we have to make THE call -

Khyra and Phyll

Jenny Glen said...

So sorry.

TimberLove said...

Heads bowed and paws crossed. Softest husky woooos,

RA, Isis & Nanük

The Heartbeats said...

OH no! What a true beauty she really was! So very sorry for your loss...

Mamma Heartbeat

Unknown said...

Karen and Mark, I am so sorry. What a terrible loss for you. Run free at the Rainbow Bridge, Beauty, and wear your silver harness proudly.

Barbara in Indiana

Anonymous said...

So sorry Karen. We'll light a candle in her honor tonight.

Tony Torrez said...

Sorry for your loss Karen. It's never easy. I know that for a fact. Rest in piece Beauty.

sketchwoman said...

I was just stunned to see the announcement that Beauty was dead from cancer. She was so aptly named -- she was gorgeous. Karen, my deepest condolences. It is awful enough to lose one of our beloved dogs at the end of a long life but devastating to lose such a young and promising dog. God speed, Beauty, you will add luster to the heavenly dog team.
Warm hugs.

Chris said...

Karen, My thoughts are with you and all of NW at this aweful time.
You are so right when you say the world will be a little less beautiful with out her.

RIP Beauty
I will be lookng out for the extra bright star.

Khady Lynn said...

Oh no, I'm so very sorry! Knowing it's coming with our seniors is one thing, but when they are so young, and it is such a shock, there are no words to help ease the pain. She was most definitely a beauty. May she wear her Silver Harness with pride and run fast and free at the Bridge.

Holly & Khady

D.K. Wall said...

Always difficult, but especially difficult when they are so young. You have our deepest condolences.

swordwhale said...

It's never easy... no matter how many years, how many dogs...

we empathize.

Unknown said...

Karen - So sorry for your loss. She was beautiful.

FiveSibesMom said...

Karen, we are so sorry to learn of Beauty's too-early crossing of the Rainbow Bridge. You are in our thoughts and may Beauty run forever free North of the Rainbow Bridge. She will remain in your hearts and memories forever. Our FiveSibes are sending out soft woos to her and sending big Husky hugs to you.

TJefferson2010 said...

Karen -

My prayers are with you.
