The Team: Dasher, Jinx, Billie, Runner, Bingo, Wonder, Q, Barq, Hector, Wolvie, Shooter, Junior, Roscoe, Wifi, Karen, Mark, Richard and Bet
The Equipment: an ATV (sadly)
0600 hours: Richard souped the 14 dogs selected for the mission
0730 hours: Dogs and gear loaded into the dog truck
0830 hours: Departed NorthWapiti
0945 hours: Arrived Smokey Lake
Richard prepares...
...Bet makes sure everything is going to plan.
Bet watches for any 'problems'
The mission launches.
A few of 'the locals' watch suspiciously.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED declares Bet from mission headquarters!
"Was there ever any doubt?", asks Q
A new trail added to the 'playbook'!!!
More pictures can be seen here
You know, I really think Bet is the cutest dog ever!
Richard has the best job in the whole wide world working with all the pups and Mark and Karen.
Doug and JoAnn
A solid recon mission for sure. We have the same Honda 4-wheeler, except mine has a sticker on it that looks like a band-aid that says "Stupid Hurts". I tend to need that visual reminder....often.
Love the pics! Mushing looks like so much fun.
Looks like everyone had a good run thanks to Bets' supervision and making sure all went off without a hitch - Way to Go Bet!
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