Sunday 13 March 2011

On The River Again...

...breaking trail again.

The Amazing Jinx and Rocket breaking trail.

Does no one in Athabasca snowmachine on the river??? What is up with that??

.Richard getting his team back on a better trail.

In Alaska rivers are freeways for winter travel. Here we break trail every time we train on the river!!!!

Turtle and Charge

Come on folks!!! Enjoy this fabulous resource (and give a dog team a break!!)

Despite all that - the run was lovely.

Bang and Tess in lead for Richard

When Richard pointed at a trail that branched off the river and said "I wonder where that goes?", who could resist??
Not me!!

Honest, Richard is back there, his sled just hadn't made it to the crest of the hill yet.

Richard dropping back on the Athabasca River.
By the end of the run, I had shed my anorak and both Richard and I were sporting a touch of sun on our cheeks!!

Early spring mushing can be pretty lovely!!!! Right guys???

My team on a break!


Anonymous said...

I love it. Enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

We can't find a ski doo if our life depended on it. Breaking trail is a way of life. Gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

When you enlarge the last picture of your team they are gorgeous! The dogs look so happy and beautiful!

Barbara Watt said...

You are so right. Karen has"pretty sled dogs!!!"